? ??????????????Lil Things About Me? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (175 Ratings)??13 Grabs Today. 31655 Tota
l Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????I Love Pink? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (76 Ratings)??12 Grabs Today. 9744 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Summer Love (Icon)? ????? ?????? ???R CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

HAN: "what's up Meggie?" MEG: "I JUST finished writing my first real breakup song ever. How's THAT for closure?" XDD

Ahhh yes. The insanity of song-writing. :)


- I currently have $3.72 in my possession and need $7.38 more for dance class tomorrow night. Shoot.
- Vacation is JUST around the corner and I am broke and will see many things I want to spend moolahh on. Double shoot.

But these and many other issues that I don't feel like naming are no biggie, because after all, for a pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic. :)))

Which reminds me that I am now officially addicted to Paramore's "Riot!" CD ... it's quite amazing. Check it out. I mean it. GO. NOW! :) juuuuust kidding, you can stick around for a bit more if you'd like:))

Songwriting, as you may have noticed, is going pretty darn amazingly ... I'm finding that my music is maturing along with me, and I really like that. It's not always about "boy meets girl and they fall in love" or "it's all hours of the night but I can't sleep cause I can't live without you". Music is all about expressing who you really are. If I write a song, and it teaches you nothing about me, how I feel sometimes, or what I'm thinking about, then it's pretty pointless. I like music I can relate to ... and I find that the best way to find one of those songs is to mess around on the piano until you find a key combination you like, add lyrics, and POOF! You've got yourself a song:)

^ ^ sorry for my rambling ... hmmm ... that should all be a song itself ... haha:)

Speaking of music ...............

I'm one foot in the door for percussion in my church's orchestra!:DDDD I am TOTALLLY stoked about that, because rhythm and I are bestest buddies. I'm also considering becoming a drummer ... like, outside of Guitar Hero lol ... what do you think? I wanna learn everything from the ground up, so that when I get the stuff to start recording my music, I'm ready and roaring to go!:)

So, last Friday I FINALLY made it to dance class! It was INCREDIBLY fun, and tomorrow night, we're learning how to do clogging! (And, um, that actually doesn't have much to do with clogs ... more like wooden elf shoes with silver tappy things on the bottom of the heels and toes lol ... we watched a demonstration of it last Friday, and it was AMAZINGLY fun-looking! So I will be taking that up tomorrow night ... I am soooooooo happy that I finally made it!:DDD

btw: Polka = THE BOMB!!!!!:DDDDDDDD

Me and Rachel had a sleepover after dance class at her house ... it was soooo much fun!! We were up until like 6 in the morning haha ... I'll do that again ANY day!:)))))

I also can't wait for ballroom dancing again, because sadly, Sam and his family were on vacation (erm, not sad for them, obviously lol) and so couldn't come:( buuuuut I'm really hoping that me actually showing up and going regularly might be an incentive for him to come too ... getting to see almost all of my bestest friends EVER would be quite a treat. :DDDDDDD and, of course, that might mean getting to dance with the one guy who makes my heart stop beating ... ;)

I should probably stop before I go rambling again. HAHA




Monday, August 10, 2009

back to Megan's childhood!! ((part one)) :]]

BEHOLD;; Valley Forge Park ... just ten minutes from where I grew up. I sat with Renee on those logs about seven years ago. Crazy, innit? :]]

It's AMAZING to see everything now ... next time we journey to Pennsylvania I wanna make sure I have my camera ready to go so I can share with you some of my more special places in the little town of Bridgeport, PA :]]] I don't know if I've said this before or not, but my grandparent's house is JUST up the street from the house in which I spent the first ten years of my life. Me and my mom were on our way to the wedding my dad was in ((Renee and Hannah decided to stay back with Gran and Pop)) and someone came walking out of our old house. So I, in all my Megan-ness, turn to my mom and say "That man just walked out of our house!!". Haha. I'm strange even to myself sometimes. XD

The ride home was interesting to say the least. It involved me and Renee having a very deep conversation in pirate about Kraft singles, Hannah randomly waking up from her slumber and singing a few bars of whatever song was on at the time and then falling right back asleep again, and me yelling "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!" at the rest stop. Oh yeshhh. Our road trips are interesting to say the least. XD

Honestly, the only low note to the entire trip was coming home to find that our house had been taken over completely by FLEAS. Seriously. It was SUPER icky!! I sat on the couch after unloading the van and saw a flea on my leg, so I picked it off only to be distracted by three other ones down to my feet, where there were fleas all over my socks and ankles. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!! We set a pest-killing bomb off in the living room that night. Haha. That did a LITTLE bit of good ... we can sit on the couch without having to pick dozens of fleas off our socks. :]]

Sooooo vacation is coming up :]] ... we spend the first week of September in Nag's Head ... it's AWESOME there! I can't wait!! :DDD

... and that says it all :]]


~ MeGaN
<33 XDDD

Friday, August 7, 2009

when you love someone more than air, every breath makes you think of them:)


Yes. You must be thinking one thing right now, looking at this blog post ...


haha. Sorry if I'm wayyyy off there.



I hope that's not what you're thinking, to be honest. XD

So, what's up??? I've missed you all! I've got a LOT of catching up to do both on my own blog AND on everyone else's. Hopefully, all you blog-crazy bloggers haven't written TOO much in my absence.

Oh who am I kidding. I'll be sitting here all night!!:)

So let's cover one topic at a time, shall we?:)



That was a while ago, and lemme tell ya ... it was BORING!:) Buuut I did stand up when she got on stage and yelled, as loud as I could: "I LOVE YOU NAY-NAY!". Haha. She lectured me for that one. Just kidding:)
There was ONE drawback on that, and that was the presence of her ex, then bf, now ex again. Geez. I do NOT like him AT ALL. I'm really praying that they're over for real this time, cause I'd hate to see her get back together with him, for more than the reason that I don't like him, all of which are personal.
Overall it was sad, happy, fun, boring, made me wanna sleep, and musical ((I listened to my iPod for letters C through G:D haha)). That night Nay and I stayed up until 3AM, just talking. About EVERYTHING. We haven't done that in forever. It was nice:)


On a writing note, I have completed ((but not yet edited)) by NaNoWriMo novel, entitled ''Star Breather''. If you wanna read it, check out www.mng1starbreather.blogspot.com. ((If that link isn't correct, just go to my blog list and click on Star Breather.)) I probably already said that, so if this is the second time, then I apologize:)
I am currently behind on ALL of my writing except for ONE storyline, because ... erm ... OKAY, I'LL SAY IT!!!! I broke my computer. Yeshh. NEVER pull a wire out of a computer tower if you can't get it out at first. Grrrr. It's terrible. I've been without a computer for months now. So I am currently working on a paper and pen project entitled "Little Blue Book", the story of my alter ego and favorite invented character, Lacy Burrows. I shall elaborate later, because I think it's worth elaborating on:)
I am working out the odds and ends in numerous storylines whilst I am without a working writing base. I would continue everything on paper, but I have no recollection whatsoever of where I've left off in ANY of them, thus can't continue a single novel. *Sigh*. Oh the sorrows of a Megan Brittany:)


Our new church is AMAZING. I really can't put into words how much I love it there. We ((the youth group)) just recently went on the annual Summer Camp trip to Myrtle Beach, SC from Sunday to Friday last week. Lemme tell you, that was one of the most AMAZING weeks of my life. I will NEVER EVER forget it:) I was sociable for once ((haha)), and made a few new friends. But most importantly, I learned new things that will really help me in my walk with God, now and the rest of my life:) Again, that's worth elaborating on, so I'll give every detail I can at a later time.


I am currently typing from my grandparent's PC in Pennsylvania. My dad is in a wedding up here tomorrow, so we're here till tomorrow night.
Which reminds me ...
We have to be back for church on Sunday because Renee plays percussion ((sp?)) in the church orchestra, and has to be there for the concert. Alas, I did not get a solo for the YPAC musical all those months ago ((darnnnn!)) but it was still beautiful and amazing:) Renee is currently pulling strings to get me in the orchestra too as her backup percussion person, because the girl who currently does it is ... well ... she's ticking everyone off haha. I'm really kinda hoping that I get in, cause I really think that would be amazing!:D


Well ... not a single one is perfect, right?:) We've had our ups and downs, but as of now, my parents are still together, my sister is home, and I am pretty content with life at the moment:)


Oh dear. Haha. I knew I had to get to this eventually.
What can I say? I really am head over heels. I can't even control it anymore. Sure, every so often, I'll see someone in a movie or somewhere else and think ''oo, he's CUTE!:D'', but when I get home at the end of the day, and I'm laying there in bed thinking about all the cuties ((haha!)), I still smile widest when I think of Sam. He's been my best friend for what seems like a lifetime ... and we could be best friends forever ... but I realize now that I'll always feel this way about him. It's unavoidable at this rate. Completely unaviodable.
And, oddly enough ...
I'm okay with that:)
We haven't really talked about it, and I've only seen him once, at Renee's graduation sign-up. That was one of the most awkward moments of my life. We both just sort of stood and stared at our feet. When they all went to sign Renee in, we stayed back, and never even talked. I'll be honest, at first I freaked out, thinking that he never wanted to speak to me again, but then I realized that we'd been talking briefly before that, and it must have had the same effect on him that it did on me when we actually SAW each other for the first time since I told him that I love him.
Haha. That's sort of funny to type. But not in a bad way. Haha. Not at ALL. I love him.
I love Sam.
What is WRONG with me?!


I'm still writing songs, and actually, during Summer Camp, there's a talent show on Thursday night, and I sang one of my songs during it. When someone FINALLY gets it on Facebook, I'll see if I can upload it onto here so you all can see it:) My mom told me that she feels like the mom of a rockstar because so many people from church were telling her how awesome I was. I personally don't think it was THAT good, but that's what everyone keeps telling me. Haha. I MIGHT EVEN BE A ROCKSTAAR! I MIGHT EVEN BE A ROCKSTAAAAAAAR! <--- that's SILLY. XD


I still have all of my besties:) I love them all more than they will EVAHH know:) oh, and if you still comment and have been following me all this time, I shall consider you the coolest person in the world. No joke. Haha:) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:DDD
I have a few new friends too, so I'm feeling somewhat more sociable than shy, which is how everyone sees me. That makes me happyy:)


If I think of anything else to update you on, I will post it with no delay:) ((unless of course someone is on the computer already ... haha:)))

p.s. - FRIEND REQUEST ME ON FACEBOOK:DD:: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=566555863&ref=name
make sure to add a personal message saying who you be ((e.g.- hey it's blahblahblahh from Blogger:))) ... I don't do stalkerss;)



~ MeGaN
<33 XDD

Thursday, August 6, 2009

not dead QUITE yet:)

Okay, so I didn't die or disappear into thin air or anything:)

Just letting you know that. Hahaha

I'll elaborate later:)


~ MeGaN
<33 XD