The first one is my all-time favorite, Apollo's Chariot, which is two and a half minutes longg ... the first drop is a whoppin' 110 feet up and nearly straight down! AHHH! Complete awesomness!! =D
The second one is the Alpengeist. Yes, your feet dangle. No, your shoes don't fall off for no reason. Haha. Silly Sam had me convinced that my shoes would fall off the first time I went! That one's totally awesome too!!
And then there's ...
=D hehe. That's the third one. And yes, it goes straight down. It's AWESOME!!! It's all like ... up up up up up up up up up for like FOREVER ... and then it's all turn a wee bit and go in a half circle-like-shape!! And then it's all like ... SHOOM! And it stops and goes forward slooooow. And then you get to the drop and it just STOPS. Like not even kidding. Right there. If you're in the back (third) row, you really CAN see your house from here!! Haha ... GREAT view for a sunset! *Sighs* If you're in the second row, you're kinda going down, but still sitting straight. BUT if you're in the front row (which is where I will always and forever ride), you're feet are dangling out over a whole big buncha NUTHEN, and you're nearly looking straight down at the ground. But of course all you're doing is paying attention to the track beneath you ("WHERE'D IT GO?!?!?!?!?!?!?" <-- I said that the first time I rode it hahaha) and the fact that you could drop at any time. So it's holding you there for one second, two seconds, three seconds ... all the way through to about six seconds. And then .... WHEEEEE!!!!! You're off! Down down down down down and then BOO-YAH YOU MADE IT!!!!
Oh yeah. It's just that cool! =D
And yes, I am a roller coaster junkie. =D
But tonight was SCAWY!!!!!!!!!! There were people dressed like werewolves that would jump out at you and be like
=O AHHHH!!!!!
There was this one, when me and Lindsay (she came with us yaaaay!!! =D) were crossing one of the bridges to get away from the place where all the wolves were hiding, and I was just turning to tell her to run for it when one of the people jumped up onto the side of the bridge and ROOOOARED and so instead I screamed and so did Lindsay, and we RAN LIKE THE WIND, MAN!!!!!!!!!
It was scawy. =O
But AWESOME at the same time! =D
And then we were getting on a ride, and a zombie-dressed person came walking out with their arms out like this *Meg gets up and impersonates a zombie for her peepz* and instead of screaming and running, I walked up to it and asked it for a hug! AND IT DIDN'T GIVE ME A HUG!!!!!!!!
Stinky zombie. =P
But it was a good effort. =D
Oh man. Now I'm EXHAUSTED. Haha. All that typing and picture locating and stuff like that. So WHAT am I gonna do? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I'M GONNA DO!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna gulp down my Monster Khaos and play video games till I can't keep my eyes open any longer!
Yupp. Another night in Meggy's room. Haha =D
Night everybody!! Btw, I missed you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have SO MUCH to catch up on with all the reading and everybody writing so much and stuff ... gosh, what do you think this is, a blogging website!! Psh! ;)
Lotsa luvv!!
~ MeGgY
<33 =D <--- is smiling in the face of depression!!!! HA!
1 people who rock hard!:
YYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!Meggie's back!!!! Why won't you answer your cell phone??? I thought you were dead!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out my blogs...the story one, and mine...I updated them both. One more thing...that is a stinky zombie!!!! I mean, NO HUGS????
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