Other than that, January's been pretty boring so far ... I haven't really done anything super-duper yet. But I can say that I have felt every possible human emotion there is to feel since 2009 started ... that's something.

Okiedokie, well you know how I said a while back that I kinda liked this guy from our church? Weeell, he's got a girlfriend, and I'm not really sure about liking anyone for right now, sooo yeppers. Which reminds me that I FINALLY became sociable, and now everyone in my class knows my name ... haha that's a BIG improvement, by the way.
So far the whole not dating thing is going smoothly. Well, no one has asked me out or anything, so obviously it's easy. But it makes it so much easier when there's no one you're crushing on, as I figured out the other day when I was thinking about it. So it's all good there! =)
And now I have a question ... have you ever had a gut feeling about something that could be the right or wrong thing to do, and you're completely not sure whether it's just you telling yourself that you should do that, or if it's really what you should do? Weell, would you do it just to see, even if it was something huge in your life, and it could seriously hurt you if it didn't work out, or would you walk away without taking the risk? I'm kinda facing that now, and I think I know what I have to do, but I'm afraid that it might just be me telling myself that it's what I'm supposed to do.
Urg. That bothers me.
OMGOSHHHHH I just remembered something! My mom is switching the plans on our phones, and when she does that, I'm getting a Rumor! Okayy, here's a picture so that you know what it looks like, just in case (it's a Sprint phone, by the way) ....

Whee! Super excited about that, considering I am sorta ashamed to pull out my phone now ... but I can't complain, cause we've had some good times together. *Nods solemnly*
I think that covers it for a couple uber exciting things happening in life at the moment ... blog ya later!
~ MeGaN
<33 xD
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