? ??????????????Lil Things About Me? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (175 Ratings)??13 Grabs Today. 31655 Tota
l Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????I Love Pink? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (76 Ratings)??12 Grabs Today. 9744 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Summer Love (Icon)? ????? ?????? ???R CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Randomness ... one of the many gifts I have to offer. ;D

So yeah ... this morning my mom came at me with the eyeliner ... it wasn't pretty (;D) ... but she says it looks nice ... of course, if you know me, then you already know that, after looking in the mirror and letting out a particuarily loud "UGH", I went straight from my mom's room to the bathroom and went simply crazy trying to wipe it off with wet toilet paper ... that only made it worse ... now people are asking me who I fought with that I have not one, but two black eyes.
Greeeeeaaaaaat. =)

In musical news, I've written three songs on the piano, which is a great big deal for me, considering I haven't touched the piano in about three years. I'm feeling really accomplished on that one! After I get my camera back (too complicated to say why it isn't currently in my possession) I want to record myself doing it so that I never forget it ... which reminds me that I have to learn how to actually WRITE the music. My memory's getting kinda full. =)

In home schooling news, the prom is May 9th, 2009. I think I'm gonna go ... obviously, being a home school one and all, it differs greatly from regular proms ... it's basically a fancy dinner. But I'd get to pick out a dress. And for as un-girly as I can sometimes be, I love dressing up.
Just as long as my mom doesn't try to make me wear eyeliner again. xO

In December-related news, it is less than twenty days till my 15th birthday, and I can't begin to express how excited I am!! 14 was a pretty rough year ... I can't wait to start a new one in my hopefully very long life.
In noveling news, I am now currently writing three, editing one (and finishing it off with a pretty dope epilogue), and writing an alternate ending to a Nancy Drew PC game on herinteractive.com, which is a site for mystery (especially Nancy Drew) lovers ... and yes, I really am a super sneak. ;D
In mood-ish news, I'm feeling quite poetic, as you can probably tell. I'll end up writing three songs, two chapters per novel, and five poems before the day is done, mark my words. =)
In scary stuff related news, I'm not sure if they've caught the lion that's loose in the Richmond-Chesterfield area. Kinda scary, considering I spend half of my days outside, trying to get some fresh air, because I never get to leave the house anymore.
In decorating news, if you happen to be in Chester, Virginia, then stop by the Chick-Fil-A and see the pretty tree that I decorated! =D
Well, here's wishing you a very random day!

~ MeGgY
<33 xD

6 people who rock hard!:

Ali said...

cool about the prom meggy!!!

sorry-but haha about the eyeliner!! :D

gem backwards (: said...

Thanks! =D

Haha yeah, everyone got a real kick outta that ... and IT'S STILL THERE xO

Love ya!!!
~ MeGgY
<33 xD

Ali said...

hey meggy!! i changed my URL to www.imaflightlessbird.blogspot.com CHANGE it!

~Rachel~ said...

Post something..I haven't read a new post on your blog in at least a week, and I'm bored...I sympathize with you on the eyeliner though...I had to wear stage make-up the other day...it's, like, 5 times thicker than regular make-up...I was so mad...when I went to dinner later that night, everyone thought I had put on eyeliner instead of doing my best too get it off...I was, like, "Um..NOOOO!!! I would never put myself through that kind of torture on purpose!!!" so yeah...but post something, I'm bored...and I have a new blog...check it out at www.what-happens-next-you-decide.blogspot.com...but yeah...POST SOMETHING!! I am really bored...

Sincerely, Really Bored

Ali said...

Hey megs, I've tagged you!


1.Each blogger must post these rules first.

2.Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.

3.Blogger that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things.

4.At the end of your blog,you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.

5.Don't forget to leave them a comment,telling them that they've been tagged and to read your blog.

♥Jamie! said...

Wow, all that writing. Your awesome if you can do that! =]