? ??????????????Lil Things About Me? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (175 Ratings)??13 Grabs Today. 31655 Tota
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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ay Yo, Ali!!!

Just wanted to give a shout-out to my friend Ali!!! I pray that you have safe traveling on your road trip and that you have LOADS of fun!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna miss you!!!!!!!


~ Meg

3 people who rock hard!:

Ali said...

Hey Meg!!! Thanks for that!!!

Guess what though? Turns out--we're NOT going to Chicago. I am so sad because I was totally looking forward to getting the heck outta Utah!!!

But thank you so much for that post Meg!!!!!! <3 <3


gem backwards (: said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry Ali! That really stinks. Well, I still hope and pray that you are having a GREAT day!!! <3

~ Meg

Ali said...

Thanks Meg!!!!! It means a lot.

Since I'm not going on my trip-I get to hang out with my BFFE!!!! Yay!!

Lol-she's better than my family!! Just kidding, I love my fam, but Rach ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

You do too--even though I don't know you! lol

