? ??????????????Lil Things About Me? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (175 Ratings)??13 Grabs Today. 31655 Tota
l Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????I Love Pink? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (76 Ratings)??12 Grabs Today. 9744 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Summer Love (Icon)? ????? ?????? ???R CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

HAN: "what's up Meggie?" MEG: "I JUST finished writing my first real breakup song ever. How's THAT for closure?" XDD

Ahhh yes. The insanity of song-writing. :)


- I currently have $3.72 in my possession and need $7.38 more for dance class tomorrow night. Shoot.
- Vacation is JUST around the corner and I am broke and will see many things I want to spend moolahh on. Double shoot.

But these and many other issues that I don't feel like naming are no biggie, because after all, for a pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic. :)))

Which reminds me that I am now officially addicted to Paramore's "Riot!" CD ... it's quite amazing. Check it out. I mean it. GO. NOW! :) juuuuust kidding, you can stick around for a bit more if you'd like:))

Songwriting, as you may have noticed, is going pretty darn amazingly ... I'm finding that my music is maturing along with me, and I really like that. It's not always about "boy meets girl and they fall in love" or "it's all hours of the night but I can't sleep cause I can't live without you". Music is all about expressing who you really are. If I write a song, and it teaches you nothing about me, how I feel sometimes, or what I'm thinking about, then it's pretty pointless. I like music I can relate to ... and I find that the best way to find one of those songs is to mess around on the piano until you find a key combination you like, add lyrics, and POOF! You've got yourself a song:)

^ ^ sorry for my rambling ... hmmm ... that should all be a song itself ... haha:)

Speaking of music ...............

I'm one foot in the door for percussion in my church's orchestra!:DDDD I am TOTALLLY stoked about that, because rhythm and I are bestest buddies. I'm also considering becoming a drummer ... like, outside of Guitar Hero lol ... what do you think? I wanna learn everything from the ground up, so that when I get the stuff to start recording my music, I'm ready and roaring to go!:)

So, last Friday I FINALLY made it to dance class! It was INCREDIBLY fun, and tomorrow night, we're learning how to do clogging! (And, um, that actually doesn't have much to do with clogs ... more like wooden elf shoes with silver tappy things on the bottom of the heels and toes lol ... we watched a demonstration of it last Friday, and it was AMAZINGLY fun-looking! So I will be taking that up tomorrow night ... I am soooooooo happy that I finally made it!:DDD

btw: Polka = THE BOMB!!!!!:DDDDDDDD

Me and Rachel had a sleepover after dance class at her house ... it was soooo much fun!! We were up until like 6 in the morning haha ... I'll do that again ANY day!:)))))

I also can't wait for ballroom dancing again, because sadly, Sam and his family were on vacation (erm, not sad for them, obviously lol) and so couldn't come:( buuuuut I'm really hoping that me actually showing up and going regularly might be an incentive for him to come too ... getting to see almost all of my bestest friends EVER would be quite a treat. :DDDDDDD and, of course, that might mean getting to dance with the one guy who makes my heart stop beating ... ;)

I should probably stop before I go rambling again. HAHA




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