? ??????????????Lil Things About Me? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (175 Ratings)??13 Grabs Today. 31655 Tota
l Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????I Love Pink? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (76 Ratings)??12 Grabs Today. 9744 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Summer Love (Icon)? ????? ?????? ???R CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Meggy update =)

Yupp, I'm still crazy. ;D

Sooooo I've got a lot to catch up on actually! Take today for example ... I was invited to an employee only party at Chick-Fil-A by my mom's boss, the store owner, who is one of the coolest people you will ever meet! It was really fun, but kinda weird cause I know everyone, and some people didn't know who I was, so I'd be like, "Hey! What's up?" and they'd be like, "Who are you again?" Yeah, kinda weird, but AWESOME! I ate cake. Haha

Aaaaaaannddd we started regularly attending a church again!!! It's really great ... I love it there! It's really big, but not overwhelming, and everyone's really nice. There's SO much to get involved in, and I've really got the opportunity to sing like I want to REAAAALLY bad, and Renee is gonna be in the praise team one of her friends is organizing, so she'll be able to play the piano again, and Hannah's already made new friends and is getting involved, and my mom is all welcome there and stuff ... it's really something, and I am SO thankful!!!

And, uh, hehe ... I'm gonna start this out the classic way ...


"So there's this boy ..."

Hehe ... I'll call him ... "Dave". And nooooooo, his name isn't David. He works with my mom and Renee, and he goes to our new church ... he's supah nice, and we don't really know each other that well, but I'm hoping that since we're in the same classes, and soon the same place of employment, we'll get to know each other better. My mom is already playing matchmaker ... she keeps offering to talk to him for me, and of course I said "NOOOOO please don't!!!" But anywhoo ... yeeeah ... hehe

Okay, so that wasn't a LOTTA stuff to catch up on ... life's kinda slow right now actually, nothing really exciting ... except that I start officially counting down till my birthday and Christmas today, since it's 1:38AM here in Virginia, making it December 1st ... 20 days till my b-day, and 24 days till Christmas ... I can't wait!!!

Blog ya laterrr!
~ MeGgY

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Time to happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD


That's right ... I, like a TON of other people out there in the world wrote MORE than 50,000 words in one month, finishing my novel for the first time ever!!! Yep, you're right ... this means that I will be devoting my writing time to finishing Fields Of Hope ... and this time I am actually going to start on it again. (Although I'm gonna have to read it again myself ... I'm completely lost! xO)

NAME: Megan
USERNAME: lovestory141221

Boo-yah. xD

~ MeGgY
<33 xD

Friday, November 21, 2008



Twilight was AMAZING!!!!!!!! I went to see it this morning with Nay and some seriously awesome Chick Fil A employees ... and OH MY GOSH it was so awesome!!

I ended up staying awake till 6 in the morning ... we went to see it at 12, then it ended at 2, then we drove home and sat and talked in the car for an extra hour, then went in the house and talked to my mom and Hannah for ANOTHER hour, then Renee and I stayed up and talked till 5, and she played the piano music that was in the movie ... it was SO beautiful!!!! Then we went to bed, and I stayed awake for an extra hour cause I couldn't fall asleep ... haha!

But it gets better ... I'm going to the movies tonight with Renee and her best friend Olivia to see it AGAIN!!! Twice in one day!! EEK!!

SOOOOOOOO I will definitely be posting and gushing more later tonight ... lol! Lemme know if you go and see it and whatcha think!! I don't wanna say anything and ruin it for someone else!

~ MeGgY!
<33 xD

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

50 Things I Bet You Didn't Know About Me!

Okay, so I am INSANELY boreddd, so I am going to post 50 things I bet you didn't know about me, myself, and I!


1. I love acting

2. I have a super good memory when it comes to things that no one else remembers anymore, although they're never good memories

3. I'm nocturnal ... sleeping is optional for me

4. I love to be loved for who I am

5. I can't stand when people judge other people before getting to know them, or by how they look or seem at first

6. Because of #5, I always get to know a person before I draw a conclusion of what I think of them

7. I can't stand it when people say bad things about themselves ... my reaction is always to try to convince them otherwise

8. Every time I see an ambulance or firetruck going down the road, I pray for the people involved in the emergency

9. Making friends is one of my hobbies

10. I love songs that I can relate to

11. I write songs that I and other people can relate to

12. I love to give advice, although I think I'm really bad at it

13. I trust too much

14. I don't like it when people compliment me, because I'm afraid of being conceited

15. I get into arguments with my friends and family because of #14

16. I think that life should have background music

17. I wrote my first novel when I was 6, and it was exactly 36 pages long, even though it was an entire mystery story, complete with all the clues and answers to them

18. Everyone says I look just like my mom when she was my age

19. I love to dance

20. I have two left feet when it comes to dancing

21. I trip over invisible things

22. I have really weak ankles

23. When I turn 18, I want to really put myself out for singing, because I won't have to worry about school or getting rides to places

24. When I have been driving for a while, I want to take a road trip with my friends

25. I want to visit all 50 states before I die

26. When I was younger, I would put on concerts for my family in our living room ... and I would jump up and down on the couch while singing into a hairbrush

27. I have never broken a major bone before ... just my finger once

28. I've never been bitten by a spider

29. I've never been stung by a bee

30. I've always wanted to go skydiving

31. If I had three wishes, one would be to be able to fly ... I've always wanted to fly

32. I think it's really rude to watch someone type in a password ... I always close my eyes tight or look away

33. I'm really good at hide and seek tag, cause no one ever catches me sneaking back to base

34. I am petrified of the dark

35. I get scared really easily

36. I love going to hockey games

37. I don't like being cold but I love winter

38. Although, my favorite seasons are Fall and Spring, cause they're in the middle

39. One of my hobbies is teaching myself how to play songs on Renee's piano

40. I used to pronounce the "t" in bouquet and buffet

41. I dislike having everything in common with someone

42. I love being unique and different from everyone else

43. One of my pastimes is just being random

44. I hiccup when I lie and when I get nervous

45. I feel like a real writer when I write stuff on napkins ... no idea why

46. I can't stand deja vu, because I can never remember where/when I saw/smelled/felt that before

47. Usually when I look back on things I've written in the past, I have to remind myself that I wrote them

48. I have a dark, emo side that usually comes out in my fashion

49. People tell me I should be a fashion designer cause I mix and match a lot ... I have a really random style

50. I live to make people smile!

And that concludes that! =D

~ MeGaN!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What am I gonna do with me?? =O

Here I go again with the not posting in like a week =O *talking to self* what am I gonna do with you, Megan?! Okay, hugs for everyone =D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does that help? =)

Okay, so you're probably wondering how Teen Game Night went, considering the fact that I didn't post as soon as I got home like I had planned haha ... weeeeell ... it was AWESOME!!!!!! I wish everyone could have seen the look on Sam's face when I walked into the room ... it completely lit up! I know mine did too ... I missed him SO much!!

But now I miss him all over again!!!! =( *weep* <--- jking

We played Capture The Flag outside after it got dark out ... yeah, that was SO fun! One thing that I noticed is that I'm always the only girl on my team, but I can keep up with the guys pretty well ... they underestimated me in my bright pink My Little Pony t-shirt the first time I played on an all-guy-team-except-for-me. Muahahahahaaaaa! So while we were playing, Sam slipped on the real wet grass and he was just laying on the ground, laughing, and then he was like, "this grass smells funky!!!" And then he looked up at me and was like, "not that I sniff grass all the time". I was laughing so hard!!

And we won!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!! (We went, we saw, we sniffed some funky grass!!!) Oh yeah. We went all ninja. Lol

On another note, my NaNoWriMo word count is higher than I anticipated ... that's right, I am officially at 25,086 out of 50,000 words!!!!!!!!! <--- you can probably tell that makes me all essited! I plan to get to at least 32k by Wednesday ... I either have waaaaay too much time on my hands, or I write a LOT more than I thought I did ... lol

I am also working hard on the restoration and continuation of Fields of Hope, so stay tuned for that! I'll let you know when I have that all published on my blog and such =)

Well if I'm gonna get to 32,000 by Wednesday, I'd better get writing! And I promise to post more often ... especially since this Thursday/Friday is the day that Nay and I go to see Twilight! I am SO excited, and, if I can get a camera, I'll put up a pic of me in my Twilight t-shirt ... it's rockin!

~ MeGgY

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hehe ... I bet ya thought I had fallen off the face of the earth! Nopee ... I'm still here! =D

Soooo I've got a lil bit to catch up on now. Like, for example, my new obsession **see picture** well yeah, the song, but my new obsession is actually putting text and lyrics on pictures to make them all prettyful!!!!

Okay, sounds kinda weird, but it's so much fun, and you can get real creative too! Like now I can make covers for all my novels and stuff and it's UH-MAZE-ING-LY funn!!!

Soooo in my next post I'll share all of my less-than uh-maze-ing artwork with you lol

Okay, I am SUPER DUPER INCREDIBLY PSYCHED ... tonight I'm going to Homeschooling Teen Game Night ... and GUESS WHO I GET TO SEE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

SAM!!!! =D

I haven't seen or talked face-to-face with him for two months ... that's the longest we've gone since we met all the way back in 2004! But now I get to see AND talk to him ..... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! XD (psyched face lol)

Weeeelll I'm gonna go and get something to eat ... and YES, I really do eat sometimes lol

Peace and wuvv!
~ MeGaN

Monday, November 3, 2008

Father, Healer, Deliver me from broken love ...

Words cannot describe how broken hearted I am right now. And it wasn't a boy. It wasn't my dad. It wasn't my mom.

It was my sister.

As much as I'd love to explain myself, I'm afraid it's waaaaaay too personal to say. I just need some support right now. This is the worst day of my life.

~ Meggy