Hey! Just posting to let you know that I FINALLY put something new on Fields Of Hope... check it out when you have a minute!!! It's only part of the next chapter, but the rest is almost complete.
Meggy-Boo!! :D
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Posted by gem backwards (: at 8:52 PM 3 people who rock hard!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Were Hearts Made Whole Just to Break?
Right now there's a lot going on. I didn't even realize how much until just now.
I don't hate much. But the few things that I do hate I hate with such a passion that it almost hurts. And I hate it when people change. That brings on things in the change that make the people around the person who changed wish that who they used to be would come back.
I don't miss him. I miss who he used to be. The sweet, caring, romantic, hysterical person he used to be. Now he's completely forgot that I exist, and I can't put into words how much that hurts me. I haven't seen or spoken to him since Sunday ... the 27th of July. It's like he doesn't care anymore ... and that breaks my heart more than anyone will ever know. I can't imagine what could possibly be going on in his life that would make him completely exclude me.
I don't know. It just hurts now.
Posted by gem backwards (: at 10:15 AM 0 people who rock hard!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
New Template!!!! aaaandd ..... PICTURES!!!!!! :D
Sooo, whatcha think of the new template? I sat for an hour trying to find a new template for my blog ... I love this one!!!! Check out pyzam.com for a TON of 'em!
Okay, so I was looking through my files on my computer (I was REALLY bored today lol), and guess what!!! I FOUND PICTURES!!! Yes, that makes me very happy!!! So I figured that I'd put a few of them here on my blog to share with you! Most of them are pics that I have received in emails and stuff, because I am currently fighting with my camera, which simply does not want to put my other pictures onto my computer like I'm telling it to do. Grr. HAHA! IT WORKED!
(weeelll, not the camera, but HEY! I DID IT!!! :D)
<--- that's Jeremy ... like, a year ago lol
That's my puppy Jade ... she is currently running around the house like a maniac .... HAHAHA! Behind her is
the fishtank ... but with no fish ... sad, I know.
This is a picture that was going around in an email ... Sam sent it to me FOREVER ago ... I lurve it!!!

Phew. That's better.

Tee hee.
*blush blush*
Someone LOOOOVES meee ....

no comment.
Hope you're having a great one!!!!!!
~ Meggy :D
(is having an unnaturally good day today! Lol)
Posted by gem backwards (: at 2:19 PM 1 people who rock hard!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Tee hee. ;D
Okay, so we (me, Hannah, and my grandparents) went shopping this afternoon, and Han and Gran wanted to go to Chick-Fil-A for lunch//dinner (linner or dunch lol). Naturally, I wanted to go because my mom and Renee are both working today, and I wanted to see them. But I got an added surprise ... Jeremy is working today too!!!!!!! I saw him when we were walking in ... and he obviously saw me too because he stared out the door as we walked in and waved to me when I saw him. He smiled so much!!!
Well, the BEST part about that is that I will be seeing a lot of him this weekend. My grandparents are going to his dad's church on Sunday, and I'm gonna surprise him by coming with them. He's going to be THRILLED! And then we invited him over while my grandparents are down for a cookout so we can spend some time together ... Gran is always complaining about how she doesn't know him that well lol. And THEN, he said that in the next couple days I've got to come over to his house to see his brother's pet chinchilla and hang out (lol I LOVE CHINCHILLAS!!!!!!!) I will definitely post about that when it happens!!!
Well, I gotta run! Love you all!!!!!!!
~ Meggy <33
Posted by gem backwards (: at 2:35 PM 3 people who rock hard!